Domino is a board gaming piece with two square ends marked either blank or with spots (sometimes known as pip) similar to those found on dice, and identical back patterns. A typical domino set consists of 28 tiles commonly known as bones, cards, stones or pieces which can be used in many different ways to play multiple different domino-related games.
The game of dominoes is straightforward. A player arranges one domino edge-to-edge against another so that one end will push on another’s end and cause them to topple over, setting off a chain reaction of dominoes to topple in unison and creating an intricate arrangement with thousands or millions of dominoes that all topple at once – often used for public entertainment or competitions and taking months of planning ahead!
As well as planning, this form of art requires an acute sense of timing. Hevesh makes test versions of each section to see how they will work before assembling the whole thing; she films these tests slowly in slow-mo to identify problems before starting construction on it all at once. Even when everything goes according to plan, however, giant domino installations often take several nail-biting minutes for all dominoes to fall and complete their natural course of falling dominoes.
Hevesh used the principles of physics to craft her domino creations, while similarly applying these same laws of nature when crafting stories and novels. A writer can plan out all of their scenes in their tale and think about ways they might connect naturally – like dominoes would.
This principle is especially crucial for “pantsers,” or writers who rely solely on writing without using an outline or software to plot out their story. A pantser would rather write and see where each scene leads them rather than using an outline as a roadmap. If an out of place scene pops up during their writing sessions, this may feel awkward and out-of-place in relation to future scenes and could feel forced or disjointed in its execution.
Just like dominoes have an inertia that prevents them from moving without outside intervention, stories need an engaging reason for each new scene to occur; otherwise it might feel off or even dull for readers.